Our Team – Harke - von Bismarck Immobilien GMBH
In October 2016, Jana Harke, who has been successfully active in house and land management for
more than 20 years and Silke von Bismarck, real estate broker (IHK), have established Harke - von
Bismarck Immobilien GmbH.
We are a dedicated, dynamic team and consider ourselves a modern service provider, with customer
satisfaction being of utmost importance.
Silke von Bismarck
Managing Director
Real estate broker (IHK)
Mobil: +49 15112141405
Email: s.vonbismarck@harke-vonbismarck.de
Jana Harke
Managing Director
Management assistant in real estate
Email: j.harke@harke-vonbismarck.de
Frank Oelsner
Authorized signatory
Swetlana Kober
Real estate agent /accountant
Email: s.kober@harke-vonbismarck.de